Body Image and Cancer Patients
We are going to talk about a topic that is very sensitive with respect to cancer patients and that is Body Image. If you have experienced changes due to treatment…
Illness – A Warning
Irrespective of the nature of illness, it comes with a message. It is a warning, a signal that should encourage us to review our lifestyles. in the case of serious…
The Word Cancer
Cancer is such a word that can scare life out of people. The moment a person is diagnosed with it a plethora of emotions engulf him. The sooner the patient or…
Breast Cancer Diet
After the diagnosis of any illness, patients tend to re-evaluate their nutrition and dietary intake. As with many breast cancer survivors, most often than not, their first thoughts would be…
Cancer Fighting Diet
As researchers continue to seek a cure for cancer the focus has turned to what may be the best solution in helping to fighting cancer, one’s diet.