Oral Cancer – Risk Factors and Causes

Doctors are always not able to explain why cancerous cells may be found in a person and not in others. Cancer is not a contagious disease meaning it does not…

Stop The Use Of Tobacco – Poster Making Competition

Irrespective of where CAN FIGHT CANCER goes and the nature of activity we are involved in, there is one message that it takes along ‘STOP THE USE OF TOBACCO’. The…

Oral Cancer – Prevention

As we have already discussed the oral cancer is becoming a big killer. We will now discuss some things that you can do to ensure that you do not suffer…

How To Prevent Colon Cancer

We have already discussed certain important information about Colorectal Cancer more commonly known and understood as Bowel Cancer. As it is important to be aware of the symptoms and risk…

Home Remedies For Prostate Problems

Prostate cancer is becoming very common amongst older men.  In this article we explore some home remedies that can be used for countering general problems of the prostate.