Posts by meetunayyar:

    Lymphedema – Overview

    June 9th, 2015

    I am going crazy noticing the ankles of people around me. I tend to even notice the feet of strangers. What am I trying to see? Well I am trying to see if they have swelling around their ankles!  My eyes secretly travel to their feet to find if they are dealing with water retention! The truth is that I myself am trying to reduce it. Read the rest of this entry “

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    Leukemia – Overview

    May 19th, 2015

    Leukemia is a term used for describing a group of cancers of the blood stem cells. Usually starting in the bone marrow, they often result in high level of white blood cells. The article provides a brief overview of leukemia, its types, reasons and cures available. Read the rest of this entry “

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    Water Pollution and Cancer

    February 9th, 2015

    Communities world over are increasingly becoming concerned about the potentials risks that chemicals found in drinking water pose. Irrespective of the source of water – tap water, from a well additives and contaminants that can cause cancer exist in water. Although various legislations have been introduced with regards to water pollution and presence of safe level of cancer causing chemicals in water much remains uncovered in developing countries like ours. In this article we discuss the how and why of water pollution and cancer.   Read the rest of this entry “

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    Cervical Cancer – Risk Factors and Causes

    January 12th, 2015

    A risk factor is something that increases the chances of a person to get a certain disease. When we talk about risk factors and causes of cervical cancer, an attempt is being made to identify the risk factors of this particular type of cancer. It is important to remember that having a risk factor does not in any way suggest that a lady will definitely get cervical cancer. Read the rest of this entry “

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    Cervical Cancer – Overview

    January 6th, 2015

    Cancer that starts in the tissue of the cervix is termed as cervix cancer. Cervix is the organ that connects the uterus with the vagina. A cancer that grows slowly and does not have much symptoms can be easily detected. In this article we discuss cervical cancer with the objective of obtaining general information. Read the rest of this entry “

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