Latest Discoveries In Cancer Research

Cancer is a dreaded disease and every year a lot of people are affected by this disease all across the world. There are many reasons that lead to the disease. This is a disease that can impact anyone irrespective of their age, sex and region. Let us talk a bit of the latest discoveries in cancer research.

A major issue of concern with cancer treatment is the cost of treatment involved. The cost of cancer treatment is such that many people especially a large section of the developing world may not be able to afford treatment even if their disease is in the curable stage or phase.

Aims of Cancer Research

Research in cancer treatment is motivated by the following aims –

  1. Reducing the cost of treatment
  2. Finding a remedy for the disease
  3. Improving on life expectancy
  4. Improving quality of life of patients

Latest Discoveries in Cancer Research

It will not be possible to give a detailed account of different types of research being done on cancer across the world since that would require an full treatise rather than a short article. We keep giving you glimpses of some new technologies as and when they hit the news like our recent post on NAF Test.

Cancer Research
Cancer Research

However a few broad points are given below even though it is just a tip of the ice berg in order to highlight that how the disease occupies a central place in the field of research. These are just random clips of information and not necessarily in some specific order by time or region etc.

Standford University – 2012

In the year 2012 a scientist from the Stanford University in the United States came up with a concept that uses nanotechnology for imaging the tumors in order to collect greater information on changes that take place in the cells resulting in progress of the cancer. The aim of this technology is to provide an understanding of the exact changes that are happening inside a cancerous cell and tumors. Such detailed information goes a long way in coming up with an effective line of treatment.

San Diego School of Medicine

According to another research conducted at the San Diego  School of Medicine in California cancer cells follow a systematic development process that is called epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) that ensures that the cancer cells slowly spread to other parts of the body.


The point here is that if the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition can be controlled then there is a possibility that the spread of cancer to the other parts of the body can be prevented too. The team is now conducting research on how they can make it possible. If the team is successful in controlling the EMT then it is quite possible that they will be able to help in finding a cure for cancer to a great extent.


As you sift through a cancer journal you will come across the various type of path breaking research that is being done in this field. Another path breaking research is – Ponatinib. A new line of treatment it is given  to patients who have a resistant type of cancer and as a result no other treatment is working. It is also known to work well with patients of blood cancer.

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Genome Atlas Research Network

Research at the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network have discovered a link between use of energy generated as a result of from metabolic processes and how aggressive is cancer of the kidneys. Research indicates alterations in normal metabolism in tumor cells. The metabolism pathway is altered and is termed as metabolic shift.

California Institute of Technology

There is another interesting research that was recently completed. Conducted in the California Institute of Technology this research helped identify a protein named GIcNAc which plays a vital role in the spread of cancer. When this protein was blocked the formation of cancer cell in mice was reduced. This confirms the belief that the same can also work on humans.

University of Pittsburgh

An interesting observation was made by Dr Singh and his colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh that a combination of brocolli and quinine seemed to have a positive impact in preventing prostrate cancer though this has only been done on mice at this stage and not on humans but the team is hopeful of new breakthroughs


Actually we have already covered this in a full fledged article on Nipple Aspiration Fluid Cytology Test in a detailed post, and you are advised to refer to this article for full information. In brief, it is a technique which could help identify the development of breast cancer even a decade prior to the actual condition


What we have discussed above are only a few of the researches taking place in this direction. The objective is to share information on this matter and draw inspiration and motivation from the fact that continuous research is on to deal with the problem. We also take this opportunity to thank all the people and agencies that are putting in so much effort, days and even nights of hard work for breakthroughs.

A Personal Appeal

If you think you can make a difference do donate something for the sake of cancer prevention. You could either give at our website through the donate link OR give directly at any cancer related organization anywhere in the world. The entire family of cancer patients, survivors, doctors, researchers and pharmacists are our extended family and we should all contribute in a small way to bring this cure within the reach of each and everyone.

Meetu Nayyar

A lawyer by profession, social worker and a fighter against cancer

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