Living With Cancer: Its Important To Talk

Cancer is a condition which can happen to anyone and anywhere, irrespective of age and lifestyle. We in our articles try to explain how we should deal with this disease better making life easy living with cancer, rather than feeling it like a burden. In this article we will try to discuss if you should hide your condition and will try to explain how you can improve your chances of survival in cancer by talking about the same.

Talk Cancer
Talk Cancer

Why Should I Bother?

The first point is that you must make yourself aware by reading about this condition. Most people dont have much information regarding the subject matter since none of their near or dear ones have this condition, so they are more prone to misconceptions and wrong information. Although we wish you never have to go through the situation, still if it happens you should take it easy and not frighten yourself or get panicked.

Early Detection – Better Healing

When the cancer is detected in the first stage itself the chances of survival are much higher. Go for regular checks to the doctor. When you do that you will be able to get the disease diagnosed in the initial stages itself.

Sympathy vs Support

As you read about the disease and discuss with your friends and family you will get moral support. Many people feel that discussion will attract sympathy. That is not true. People will not sympathise with you unless you want them to sympathise. Be open about your problem.

When you discuss about your problem and the disease you will be able to handle the situation better. Many cancer patients will tell you that how discussion had given them moral support. When you discuss your problem with someone who has suffered from the disease they will tell you how they survived. Their tips and experience can help you too.

Two Is Company

When you keep your condition to yourself you become more depressed. In this situation you may land up becoming more lonely and sad. Loneliness can kill your desire to live. This is very dangerous especially in cancer. Always remember that you are not alone. There are many people out there who are suffering from this disease.

It is a common disease and it can happen to anyone. It is curable and you can get back to your normal life. Just that you have to be positive and should have the will power to survive. You have not done any mistake or crime. You are just unwell that’s all. You have to understand this and ensure that you live life accordingly.

Will To Survive: The Supreme Medicine

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You must have often heard that where there is a will, there is a way. Even the doctors will tell you that you can survive cancer with simple will power. There are many survivors who are just miracles for medical history. If they could do it even you can. You can talk about your disease to others. You can take up suggestions and follow the same. You must meet your doctor regularly and tell him or her about all your problems.

Unless you talk to the doctor they will not be able to help you with the problem. You must communicate and communicate well. If you cannot remember all the points then write it down. Trust your doctor completely. If you want you can also meet a counselor. Some patients feel that they will definitely die as they have got cancer. This is not true at all. Anyone can get cancer and they can survive it too. Just that you will have to talk about it to your friends, family and doctors that’s all.

Family Support

Should you hide your condition in cancer is definitely not suggested. Some fear that their families will become upset if they get to know about the condition. Well it is true but hiding the reality is not a solution. If you don’t tell your family they will feel cheated when they get to know later. If your family knows your condition they will be able to support you better. They will be able to give you all the moral and mental support that you will need in order to ensure that you can deal with the disease. Family can pray for you. The experts say that prayers and blessings can be a great healing factor in cancer. You yourself will realise that the love of your family will give you more strength to deal with the dreadful disease.

When you share your condition with your family they will make you strong. Never underestimate the strength of your family. You will be surprised to see the amount of strength your family can give you. Should you hide your condition in cancer is not an option at all. However, ensure that when you have shared the condition with your family and friends you should discuss other issues apart from the issue of the disease. When you do this your mind will divert and you will be able to feel relaxed. Ensure that you laugh a lot and you are always happy.

Hiding From Negative People

Should you hide your condition from people you are not very fond of? Well you can do so. If you think that there are some people who are not very close to you or are not your well wishers you can do so. This is applicable only for those who will you with a negative vibe. It is not at all meant for anyone else.

Many people suffering from cancer wonder should you hide your condition from their boss? They fear that the disease can hamper their professional growth. Well you must definitely inform your boss. Your boss will ensure that you are not over exerted or overloaded with work. Your boss will also be there for you whenever you need them. They will arrange for the leaves and all the other aspects that are related to your profession.

Should you hide your condition in cancer is a very important question that people often ask. We hope that this article was able to explain that how you must discuss your situation with others and not keep it only to yourself.

Note from CFC Team: One live example of such a personality is the person behind this website who is a testimony to the miracles that will power, family support and above all, Divine Blessings can bring.

Meetu Nayyar

A lawyer by profession, social worker and a fighter against cancer

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