Ginger Soup – Adraki Shorba During Cancer Treatment

Ginger is a natural herb. It is a spice commonly used in Indian kitchens. Used in dried form or fresh, it has the ability to pep up any dish or drink. Right from your lemonade to the lentils cooked in your kitchen it is versatile.

Adraki Shorba
Adraki Shorba

After the ginger lemony cake this is a must try recipe. According to me it is a magic potion that can help you deal with cold, cough, nausea and loss of appetite. The recipe makes more sense around this time of the year for fresh ginger is easily available all over the country at this time. Does not require much ingredients and easy to put together, I personally love the flavor.


  • Ginger Root: 2 inch piece, peeled and washed
  • Butter: 1 tablespoon
  • Cumin Seeds: 1 teaspoon (roasted)
  • Turmeric Powder: ¼ teaspoon
  • Tomato: 1 (small) chopped)
  • Red Chillie: 2 (dried, roughly broken)*
  • Milk: 2 cups
  • Yogurt: 1 cup (lightly whipped)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Mint: ½ teaspoon (dried) or few leaves (fresh)

* can be avoided in case of chemotherapy, radiotherapy patients and children.

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  1. Roughly pound the ginger or grate it or grind it.
  2. Place the online casino pan on the gas stove. If your cumin seeds are not roasted, roast them and take out.
  3. Add the butter and once it melts add the ginger and sauté till brown.
  4. Add cumin seeds and turmeric powder and sauté for a around 20 seconds.
  5. Add chopped tomatoes. In another five minutes or it should soften.
  6. Add chillies.
  7. Add the milk and allow it to boil.
  8. Reduce the heat and add whipped yoogurt. Simmer for nearly 20 minutes. You will need to stir occasionally.
  9. Add salt and and remove from heat.
  10. While serving garnish with dried mint leaves.

Ginger  is a spice that promises multitude of benefits for cancer patients. Helpful in dealing with side effects of chemotherapy it is an important ingredient of cancer fighting diet.  It is known as a miracle cure in cases or prostate and breast cancer. Ginger is known to work on cancer cells in two ways –

  • Apoptosis: Apoptosis is a process, in which cancerous cells commit suicide without causing any harm to surrounding cells.
  • Autophagy: As a result of this process, cancerous cells digest themselves.

So don”t forget to enjoy the benefits of this root !!


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