Countering Weight Loss After Treatment – Why and How?

Healthy Weight after Treatment-1

images (23)Every time you go for your follow up get used to the fact that the first thing that your physician is going to do is put you on a weighing scale. Just as in the case of an other person it is important for cancer survivors to maintain an ideal body weight. While the result of cancer treatment in some patients may be to loose weight, others may end up gaining weight. We are going to discuss both aspects of weight management in two separate articles. In this specific articles we discuss the reasons behind weight loss and some tips how to gain weight once treatment is over. After cancer treatment the patients show a strong tendency to lose weight. This can be a tricky situation. A weak body means that your chances of developing cancer all over again are higher. We recommend that you should follow some simple tips that will help you to maintain a healthy weight even after treatment.

Weight Loss after Cancer Treatment-The Why?

There are multiple factors that may lead to weight loss after treatment. In some cases it may be the surgery while in others it may be the chemotherapy which may lead to loss of weight. It is also highly likely that your food preferences change all together. Appetite and taste are factors that gravely suffers as a result of chemotherapy and as a result you tend to stay away from food. Talking about taste from my personal experience, it has taken nearly two years for my love for chocolates to revive and the smell of capsicum being cooked is still something that I cannot bear. I can do anything to avoid eating capsicum!!  In some cases survivors may stay away from food out of sheer negligence or even depression.

Inadequate food interprets to inadequate nutrition which may lead to weakening of the immunity system.  While increasing susceptibility to recurrence, it also triggers a chain of multiple health problems. Feeling weak may also affect your motivation and zeal to restore a normal routine which could again act as a trigger for emotional and mental issues.

Weight Management – How?

 In case the issue in your case is weight loss after treatment, the tips briefly discussed below will help you maintain a healthy weight.

Tip 1: Consult your doctor

The first step and the most important tip is to consult a doctor. The doctor will start by helping you identify the reasons for weight loss. It could be an underlying medical condition that may be the reason behind your weight loss. The doctor may recommend a series of tests in order to identify the exact reasons. Next in consultation with your doctor it will be easier to define an appropriate weight goal program depending on your height and consistency. Some suggestions regarding lifestyle changes may also accompany. If need be services of a dietitian can also be taken.  

Tip 2: Exercise, Exercise and Exercise

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One good way that you can adopt to ensure that you maintain a healthy weight after cancer treatment is by exercising. Exercise will help improve your appetite. Exercise burns calories which stimulates the body. One could try any images (24)form of exercise. Yoga is especially to help people wanting to gain weight and improve on their immunity.  It is important to understand your level of stamina and it is equally important to complement right exercise with the right kind of diet. It is best to increase duration of exercise slowly and systematically.

It is best to consult a doctor in order to identify the  right kind of exercise for yourself. You must discuss with your doctor if you face any problems while you exercise. This will help the doctor to understand the problems that you are facing. When you discuss with your doctor he can also tell you how much you should exercise and for how many days. The duration and the type of exercise suggested completely depend on the physical state of the cancer patient. Some patients can exercise more and some get tired very easily.

Tip 3: Eat Quality and Quantity

While eating to maintain a better weight it is important to remember to eat without compromising on the nutrient value of food. It is important that every calorie that you intake should be nutritionally packed. Fast food can be avoided and replaced with green vegetables, soups, milk, yogurt, fruits and whole foods. Eat smaller portions but take them five to six times a day. Take lots of protein in your diet while avoiding dietary supplements. Remember, your body retains nutrition better from natural products rather than supplements. Supplements though packed with benefits end up being demanding on the body.  Prefer fish and poultry over red meat, prefer milk and yogurt over carbonated drinks. Opt for beans, pulses and peas for they are rich in protein and anti-cancer

Tip 4: Lifestyle Adjustments

More often than not you will have to make some lifestyle adjustments in order to gain weight. Some of the suggestions that might come up are – eat even if not hungry, eat small but often, try to make your food appealing, ensure you take in enough protein, accept that increasing your diet may make you feel bloated and be ready as the fat content in your body will rise along with your weight.

In addition to the above it is important to remember to be patient and consistent, track weight changes and see the doctor as and when required and recommended. Do not waste your time and money looking for a magical way that will help you gain weight. The key is in improving the digestive system, blood circulation and some lifestyle changes. Eat more and stimulate your muscles.

Just like loosing weight requires effort so does gaining weight. What we are suggesting is the importance of maintaining a healthy weight for a healthy life, better immunity and to reduce chances of recurrence. By no way suggestions are being made body image.

Just remember, you are beautiful and handsome the way you are, skinny or heavy it was hardly a matter of choice. It was a matter of survival!!

  • Sudipta Ray

    I love to write in my free time and is my passion. Working for Abhishek Solutions since past one year.

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